We specialize in consignment of luxury handbags and accessories. We offer a wide variety of brands, styles, and sizes to suit your style. Our goal is to provide you with the opportunity to shop for quality items at an affordable price. This is why we work hard to make sure that all our customers have a great shopping experience when they visit us or contact us by phone or email. Too Good To Be Threw Consignment offers a great selection of high-end designer purses, luxury handbags, wallets and more! You will find something for every occasion from formal wear to casual attire including handbags, wallets and clutches! For the types of brand that we accept for luxury handbags please Click Here
We offer shoppers the opportunity to get their hands on items like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada and more without breaking the bank. All of our merchandise has been vetted for quality before we put them out on display at our location in San Antonio.